Author: Craig Westling

Freedom Flight extends a huge thanks to everyone!

Thank You! Our 2022 Fundraisers were a great success

Because of you we sent an all-time record for our annual online fundraiser. So thank you!

Thank you to the many people, organizations, and businesses that supported our missions with donations for the online auction. Also a big THANK YOU for all those that helped us reach our monetary goal to be able to take all 4 of our balloons to the 50th anniversary of the Albuquerque International Balloon Rally starting October 1st. This fabulous rally lasts for 9 days and is the most photographed event in the world, hosting 650 Hot Air Balloons and over 1 million visitors. It would be a good place to meet us this fall.

Thanks to John Pearson who was the fundraising chair and spearheaded ticket sales. 

Raffle Results

For those of you that participated in our raffle we were able to sell all 2,500 tickets. Again, thank you for participating! The winning numbers are as follows:

  • 1731
  • 2119
  • 1425
  • 2500
  • 0045
  • 2472
  • 2208
  • 2290
  • 1465
  • 1331

Congratulations to all the winners and thank you all for your support.

Questions or comments? Contact Luke Cesnik by email – – or call or text to 320-267-5481.